Here are just a few things we can do together, at Deep Plastic to help solve the global issue of plastic pollution:
- Research – help us learn more about plastics in your own backyard! Conduct your own science project on related topics, on your own or as a team.
- Educate others about the science behind global pollution problems
- Serve the local community through programs that not only make our lives better and healthier but can also help empower and raise money for community-centered programs
- Do audits of your own home/school/community recycling efforts and see just how much plastic is really being turned into something new and useful — and just how much of it has the potential to end up in the ocean
- Track your own efforts to prevent plastic pollution, conduct clean up efforts and education others. Earn points for doing this on our site, redeemable for awesome stuff!
- Work together, along with a world-class team of scientists and engineers, to build new engineering solutions that can help to improve the way that the world recycles.
- Stay tuned as we add more to our site in the near future. In the meantime, please sign up to be on our mailing list. In the meantime, you can really help us out by doing a quick audit/survey of your own plastic recycling world.